*CC Algeria Chapter meeting 2022*

December 20th, 2022 Open Access & Open Science ” Fund research as Public Good “ * Date de l’événement :  Mardi 20 Decembre  2022 à 16:00 ( GMT+1)* Adresse de l’événement :  en ligne* Lien au meeting: meet.google.com/fcp-mmws-wgd Lien pour inscription: https://bit.ly/3G09TZN Programme : 16:00 – 16:15 :  What is Creative Commons?, CC Algeria Activities (Prof. Kamel Belhamel, Université … Read More “*CC Algeria Chapter meeting 2022*”

Open Education

The Open Education program at Creative Commons works to minimize barriers to educational lorem ipsum dolor sit arnet adpiscing alt nonummy.

Open Science

Allowing scientists to collaborate and build on each others findings, speeding up the discover and understanding of solutions to planetary and societal needs.

Arts and Culture

Our goal at Creative Commons is to increase cultural creativity in “the commons” – the body of work freely available to the public for legal use, sharing, repurposing and remixing.

Educational Material

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Find Resources

To participate in discussions related to activities of the CC Algeria chapter:    Twitter: https://twitter.com/algeria_cc CC Algeria email address: [email protected] CC Algeria Website: https://dz.creativecommons.net/  CC Global Network: https://network.creativecommons.org/sign-up/ 


About Creative Commons Algeria Chapter Creative Commons Algeria Chapter was founded on September 05th, 2018. This chapter belongs to the collaborative Creative Commons Global Network in order to realize a shared values and build relationships around the world. Creative Commons is an international non-profit organization that provides free licenses and tools that copyright owners can use … Read More “Contact”